Father to Greg Dunlap



Arrived England August 1943. 2nd Leutenant, co-pilot - B17 assigned to the 96th Bomb Group Heavy out of Station 138, Snetterton-Heath, England, "The Falcon's Nest"

October 14, 1943, raid 115, Schweinfurt Ball Bearing Factories, BLACK THURSDAY. Lead Squadron, lead aircraft "Fertile Myrtle III" piloted by Captain Tom Kenny, co-piloted by the C.O. of the 45th Combat Bomb Wing, Colonel Archie Old, Group Co-ordinator and Rear Tail Gunner Leutenant James Dunlap. Dropped bombs on target and on return flight over Rheims was hit by flack killing the navigator, wounding the pilot, co-pilot, and the bombardier, blew away the plexiglass nose, and set two engines on fire. Dropped from 21,000 to 11,000 feet due to loss of power and was set upon by 5 German ME110 fighters looking to finish off the cripple. Fought the fighters off, downing two and limped home on two engines.

Raid 115, 376 aircraft (B-17s) dispatched, 291 over target, 60 failed to return. 5 crashed in England on landing, 12 that did land were so battle damaged that they were scrapped, never to fly again. Total loss, over 600 Flight Crew and 77 aircraft.

Went on to complete his 25 missions with the statement of "Every time I went up I returned the plane with at least 50 new holes in it!"

American Defense Ribbon, EAME, Air Medal with 3 Oak Leaf Culsters, Distinguished Flying Cross, World War II Victory Medal, American Theater Medal, Certificate of Achievement, Air Reserve Medal, GCMDL w/2 LPS. Flew 26th mission, May 9, 2008, DOB 8/3/1918.

Fertile Myrtie lead crew,: L-r: Colonel Old, Tom Kenny, W.M. Jones, Lt, Dunlap. Front, L-r: H. Hoover, A. Koralchuck, A. Livengood, B. Thorns and H. Rayford.

  "History does not entrust the care of freedom to the weak or
timid." - Dwight D. Eisenhower